About Us
Welcome to Holy Family School's Website!
Holy Family is a JK to Grade 8 Catholic School located in southern Grey County, serving the communities of Hanover, Neustadt, Ayton, Elmwood, Chesley, and the surrounding townships. Our school staff is committed to the ongoing spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical development of each child. We expect, and strive for, a community where all members are safe and respectful of each other.
Many opportunities are available for students to enhance their school experience. Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Track & Field, Cheerleading, Pokemon Club, Chess, Spirit in Motion are just a few of the recess activities. Our school has had strong student representation at the Canada Wide Science Fair competition over the past few years.
Holy Family School has a Before and After Day Care Program for school-aged Children supported by the local Family YMCA. We also have a Breakfast Program, daily before school, available to all children in our community.
We hope you find our website informative!
Committed to a vibrant Catholic education, we ensure quality learning experiences through community partnerships that nurture each student in body, mind, and spirit and embrace the teachings of Christ, giving witness to Gospel values.